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Book Review

이미지 제공: Martin Adams

1) 황화집과 황화수창


​2023 교육부 학술연구지원사업 우수성과 :  Between the Streets and the Assembly               

  Korean society, whether viewed from the inside or the outside, is most noted for its socio-political dynamism. At the heart of this dynamism is a culture of protest and the potential energy of widespread social movements. December 2024, when this is review is being written, is a historic time that explicitly shows the dynamism of Korean politics and the role of protest movements in protecting Korea’s democracy...

Eleana Kim Head Shot 2024.jpg

​2023 교육부 학술연구지원사업 우수성과 :  Making Peace with Nature                                       

  The Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) has been off-limits to human habitation for nearly seventy years, and in that time, diverse forms of life have flourished in and around the DMZ as beneficiaries of an unresolved war. Making Peace with Nature offers a close examination of the DMZ in South Korea and reveals that the area’s biodiversity is inseparable from scientific practices and geopolitical, capitalist, and ecological dynamics.


​2023 교육부 학술연구지원사업 우수성과 : 근대 교과서[讀本類] 해제 및 데이터베이스 구축

  The “Modern Textbook Annotation and Database Development” project aimed to survey, collect, and annotate textbooks (讀本類) published during the so-called Enlightenment period and the Japanese Occupation period (1889-1945), and then process all relevant materials into electronic documents to create an integrated database...


​2023 교육부 학술연구지원사업 우수성과 : 조선시대 결송입안 집성

  This book gathers the adjudication certificates of the Joseon period that are thus far known to academia, transcribing them from their original cursive script in classical Chinese, and translating their meaning into modern Korean, adding annotations for difficult passages...


​2022 교육부 학술연구지원사업 우수성과 : 강원권 한국학자료센터 구축

  As part of the Academy of Korean Studies’ “Project for the Establishment of the Center for Korean Studies Materials” (2008-2022, 27 billion KRW), this project aimed to systematically collect, organize, and analyze various historical materials, such as old documents and books, from across the Gangwon region and then process and compile the materials in a standardized form to create a database of Korean Studies knowledge content...


​2022 교육부 학술연구지원사업 우수성과 : 국역 한국 근대민사 판결문

  Gugyeok Hanguk geundae minsa pangyeolmun (Korean Translation of Written Judgments of Civil Cases in Modern Korea), published by Minsokwon, consists of the written judgments of civil cases from the Gabo Reform (1894-1897) and Korean Empire (1897-1910) periods that were digitally transcribed and translated from Chinese characters into Korean by Professor Lee Seung-il (History Department, Hanyang University) with research funding received from the Academy of Korean Studies in 2015...



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jinhyeongwan Hall, 323 Haogae-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 13455, Republic of Korea
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